TieServer Console Support
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Log in to PC/Mac version
If you have included the PC/Mac TieServer Console in your Report-IT Enterprise subscription, you can log in here directly rather than use the App.
TieServer Console App Download
After purchasing an annual TieServer Console subscription download the TieServer Console App and manage your Report-IT Enterprise user accounts
Terms and Conditions
Tech Notes
Report-IT is a smartphone codec app which allows you to stream live audio over IP from remotely located users to a codec at the studio. To get up and running:
- Purchase Report-IT Enterprise from Tieline or your favorite dealer.
- Register your purchase with Tieline at tieline.com/register
- Tieline will supply administrator domain login credentials to allow configuration of Report-IT user accounts using the TieServer Console.
- Add codecs and user accounts, configure a default codec (even if adding only one codec to the domain) and authorize users to connect to preferred codecs.
- Renew Report-IT Enterprise annually and register the Report-IT Enterprise renewal with Tieline at tieline.com/register.
How do I get started?
Tieline creates an administrator account and domain name for your network on TieServer and you can use this domain to configure all Report-IT user accounts. Tieline will also supply a username and password for your administrator account. Use these to log in to your administrator account and configure Report-IT user accounts with:
- The HTML5 TieServer Web Console (www.tieserver.com) (Note: requires an additional subscription).
- The iOS TieServer Console App (https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/tieserver-console/id604794105?ls=1&mt=8).
- The Android TieServer Console app (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.tieline.reportitee.admin).
Report-IT Enterprise Administrators can configure:
- Default domain settings for codecs, sharing and connection settings. These apply when no individual user account settings have been configured.
- Individual user account settings: These settings override the ‘global’ default domain settings when enabled.
To download Tieline user manuals first create a member account at https://tieline.com/member-registration/. Then visit https://tieline.com/report-it-support-page/ to learn more about configuring Report-IT with TieServer Console smartphone and tablet apps, or the HTML5 TieServer Web Console.
Supported Browsers
The HTML5 TieServer Web Console runs seamlessly on modern browsers. It runs on Mac, Windows and Linux computers. Note: Internet Explorer11 is not supported.
What to do first…
Tieline will create an administrator account and domain name for your network on TieServer and supply a username and password for your administrator account. Visit www.tieserver.com and use these credentials to log in to your TieServer administrator account and configure Report-IT Enterprise user accounts. The TieServer Web Console lets you:
- Add codecs to a domain and edit and manage settings.
- Add, edit, and manage Report-IT Enterprise user accounts.
- Manage file sharing for Report-IT Enterprise user accounts.
Recommended Configuration Process using the TieServer Console
Following is a suggested process for configuring Report-IT Enterprise with the TieServer Console for the first time.
- Add the codecs to which users will connect using Report-IT.
- Add all share servers to which users will connect using Report-IT.
Configure the Default Domain (codec, connection, sharing) settings for Report-IT. - Create user accounts and configure individual account settings for each user account.
Important Note: It is possible to connect live to a studio codec using an administrator version of the Report-IT application to test codec, sharing and default domain settings. Using administrator accounts on devices to broadcast is not recommended because any settings you apply become global default settings for all user accounts and any changes may interfere with their operation.
The user manual for each version of the TieServer Console describes how to configure multiple user accounts to connect to the same codec at the studio in the section titled “Connecting Multiple Smartphones to One Codec.”
When using the Report-IT Enterprise app on an iOS or Android device you may see the error message “valid codec address not specified”. This is usually caused by one of the following two reasons:
1. A user has logged in but the system administrator has not granted access to any codecs for that user.
To resolve this issue the system administrator needs to use the Tieserver Console app or TieServer Management Console to add “Authorized Codecs” to the Report-IT Enterprise user account and select a “Default Codec” as required.
2. “Valid codec address not specified” may also be displayed if you have logged into Report-IT as an administrator and have either not authorized any codecs for the administrator account, or have not configured an IP address/hostname for a codec.
To resolve this issue the system administrator needs to use the Tieserver Console app or TieServer Management Console to add “Authorized Codecs” to the administrator account, or configure IP address/hostname settings for the codec/s.
The TieServer Console administrator’s password can be changed by going to www.tieserver.com and entering the administrator’s User ID.
- Select “I forgot my password”.
- An e-mail will be sent to the administrator’s e-mail address that is on file, then simply follow the instructions.
Java Issues?
If you are having difficulty with Java:
- Select the “Try Webstart Version” link to download “tieserver.jnlp”.
- Click to launch “tieserver.jnlp”.
- Your computer will need the latest version of Java for this to work.
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