Report-IT Use Skyrockets During Pandemic

Statistics show Report-IT Enterprise app use has doubled in recent months to a ‘new normal’ as the number of live broadcasts heads towards the 6 million mark…

There is no doubt the pandemic has led to network broadcasting workflows changing dramatically in recent months. Just how much this has changed is starkly revealed in usage statistics for Tieline’s Report-IT Enterprise app since March 2020.

Charlie Gawley, Tieline VP Sales APAC/EMEA with Report-IT
Charlie Gawley, Tieline VP Sales APAC/EMEA with Report-IT

Report-IT Enterprise is a live streaming codec app with the ability to stream live, low latency, high fidelity audio from any remote location over cellular or Wi-Fi networks. It also provides the capability to create playlists of recorded files to play live while streaming. In addition, users can FTP recorded files to the studio for podcasts, or transfer files to news ingest systems like Burli and Netia Radio-Assist.

“There’s no doubt there was a huge demand for Report-IT and other remote broadcasting solutions when the pandemic first hit,” said Charlie Gawley, VP Sales APAC/EMEA. “Report-IT Enterprise was extremely popular initially as it was fast and simple to deploy network-wide. Basically, anyone with a smartphone could download the app for free and go live.”

This is confirmed by Tieline’s TieServer statistics showing a more than 3-fold increase in app logins and use in March and April. “It was remarkable,” said Gawley. “It saved the day for countless broadcasters as they rapidly implemented broadcasting from home strategies across their networks. The ability of Report-IT to not only support high quality and reliable live streaming, but also support file recording and FTP, allowed voice tracking, podcast recording, and other tasks to be completed. Plus, the Tieline Cloud Codec Controller allowed engineers to control Report-IT mic audio levels and app connections remotely at the source from their own home, or anywhere with an internet connection.”

Working and broadcasting from home is now the way things are likely to be for the foreseeable future in many regions. Major networks also openly foresee working and broadcasting from home becoming the permanent new normal for many. At the very least, station footprints are likely to reduce and support a mix of home broadcasting and studio-related work.

Report-IT App

“Over the last few months, the statistics have stabilized and Report-IT Enterprise use has roughly doubled compared to its use pre-pandemic,” said Gawley. “We suspect that this is the ‘new normal’ for Report-IT, certainly for the foreseeable future – but perhaps also beyond that.”

Many people who used Report-IT initially have upgraded to other more permanent remote codec solutions like the Tieline ViA. Even though you can attach a broadcast microphone and headphones to a smartphone, if you are working from home more permanently, it makes sense to use a product offering balanced inputs and additional layers of network and streaming redundancy. Full featured audio codecs also take broadcasts to the next level by integrating multiple calls for live interviews and supporting multiple audio sources for more complex radio program content.

For more details about Report-IT visit

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