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Report-IT Enterprise iOS

Report-IT Enterprise Android

Report-IT Live iOS

Firmware Release Notes

The latest release notes are available on either the App Store or Google Play.



Tech Notes

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Report-IT Enterprise

Your old recordings have not been lost.

When updating Report-IT Enterprise on Android from version 2.8.238 or older, the directory for your recordings is changed. This update is a requirement for compatibility with Android 11, which has had recent security enhancements.

If you have recordings made before this update, when you try to select them in “manage reports” you will get the following error message:

“Error opening report. Report could not be found. Select ‘OK’ to find the file to relink.”

When you select ‘ok’ Android will open a native file explorer to navigate the file system. You can find your old recordings in the root ‘Internal Storage’ directory > Tieline folder. Please note that Android “Internal Storage” may have a different file path between devices.

If you have previously selected a custom location by going to Settings > Audio > Audio Storage Location, the recordings will instead be in that location. To continue using a custom location, you will need to re-select the location to give Report-IT the required permission.

About this update:

The new ‘default’ folder stores recordings in a location that is encrypted and an inaccessible by other apps when running Android 10+.

Please note that setting the audio storage location to somewhere else will make the recordings accessible to other apps with permission to view that folder as well.

  • Requires iOS 10.3 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad and iPod touch.
  • Requires Android 5 and up

Report-IT is a smartphone codec app which allows you to stream live audio over IP from remotely located users to a codec at the studio. To get up and running:

  1. Purchase Report-IT Enterprise from Tieline or your favorite dealer.
  2. Register your purchase with Tieline at
  3. Tieline will supply administrator domain login credentials to allow configuration of Report-IT user accounts using the TieServer Console.
  4. Add codecs and user accounts, configure a default codec (even if adding only one codec to the domain) and authorize users to connect to preferred codecs.
  5. Renew Report-IT Enterprise annually and register the Report-IT Enterprise renewal with Tieline at

How do I get started?
Tieline creates an administrator account and domain name for your network on TieServer and you can use this domain to configure all Report-IT user accounts. Tieline will also supply a username and password for your administrator account. Use these to log in to your administrator account and configure Report-IT user accounts with:

  1. The HTML5 TieServer Web Console ( (Note: requires an additional subscription).
  2. The iOS TieServer Console App (
  3. The Android TieServer Console app (

Report-IT Enterprise Administrators can configure:

  1. Default domain settings for codecs, sharing and connection settings. These apply when no individual user account settings have been configured.
  2. Individual user account settings: These settings override the ‘global’ default domain settings when enabled.

To download Tieline user manuals first create a member account at Then visit to learn more about configuring Report-IT with TieServer Console smartphone and tablet apps, or the HTML5 TieServer Web Console.

Supported Browsers
The HTML5 TieServer Web Console runs seamlessly on modern browsers. It runs on Mac, Windows and Linux computers. Note: Internet Explorer11 is not supported.

What to do first…
Tieline will create an administrator account and domain name for your network on TieServer and supply a username and password for your administrator account. Visit and use these credentials to log in to your TieServer administrator account and configure Report-IT Enterprise user accounts. The TieServer Web Console lets you:

  1. Add codecs to a domain and edit and manage settings.
  2. Add, edit, and manage Report-IT Enterprise user accounts.
  3. Manage file sharing for Report-IT Enterprise user accounts.

Recommended Configuration Process using the TieServer Console
Following is a suggested process for configuring Report-IT Enterprise with the TieServer Console for the first time.

  1. Add the codecs to which users will connect using Report-IT.
  2. Add all share servers to which users will connect using Report-IT.
    Configure the Default Domain (codec, connection, sharing) settings for Report-IT.
  3. Create user accounts and configure individual account settings for each user account.

Important Note: It is possible to connect live to a studio codec using an administrator version of the Report-IT application to test codec, sharing and default domain settings. Using administrator accounts on devices to broadcast is not recommended because any settings you apply become global default settings for all user accounts and any changes may interfere with their operation.

The user manual for each version of the TieServer Console describes how to configure multiple user accounts to connect to the same codec at the studio in the section titled “Connecting Multiple Smartphones to One Codec.”

To renew our registration you will need to:

  1. Contact Tieline or your favorite dealer to arrange purchasing a renewal
  2. Fill in the form from this link This must be filled in by you “the customer” to accept the terms and conditions.
  3. Select “Register a new, additional, or renewal Report-IT Enterprise Edition purchase.”
  4. There is a box on the form that will ask you for the invoice number. Please enter the invoice number from Tieline or your Dealer.

Once the form is completed activation should be completed within 24hrs. You will receive a notification from Tieline by email.

If echo is experienced during calls tap Menu > Settings > Audio > XTalk Cancellation to activate crosstalk cancellation and reduce return channel audio leaking into the input channel.

In Report-IT versions higher than v2.8.238 a new setting “Recording Preset” is available. This adjusts audio pre-processing on an Android device and improved performance is often obtained by using the “Voice Communication” setting. To adjust this setting from the default “Voice Recognition” setting, tap Menu > Settings > Audio > Recording Preset > Voice Communication. Note: Each Android device may deliver different results using this setting as manufacturers can implement optimization in a different way.

Using the Free TieServer Console iOS App

  1. Open the TieServer Console app and enter the administrator password provided by Tieline to sign in to TieServer, then tap OK.
  2. Tap Users.
  3. Tap the Plus symbol in the top right-hand corner of the screen to add a new user account. Note: if the symbol is greyed out you have reached the limit of your account licenses. Contact Tieline or your favorite dealer to purchase more licenses if required.
  4. Tap User Name to display the onscreen keyboard and add the user name, then tap Done.
  5. Tap Email to display the onscreen keyboard and enter the email address, then tap Back in the top left-hand corner of the screen.
  6. Tap Done in the top right-hand corner of the screen to save user settings and return to the User Accounts screen.

Using the Free TieServer Console Android App

  1. Open the TieServer Console app and enter the administrator password provided by Tieline to sign in to TieServer, then tap OK.
  2. Tap Users.
  3. Tap the Plus symbol in the top right-hand corner of the screen to add a new user account. Note: the symbol is not visible when the account license limit has been reached. Contact Tieline or your favorite dealer to purchase more licenses if required.
  4. Tap User Name to display the onscreen keyboard and add a user name and email address.
  5. Tap the Tick symbol in the top right-hand corner of the screen to save the new user account.

Important Notes:

  • To simplify user account configuration we recommend adding all codecs and share servers into Report-IT prior to creating accounts.
  • Once you have created a user account you can adjust individual user settings. Tap Users > Select a user account > Tap to adjust settings.
  • The default user account password when you first create a user account is password.
  • Using VIP-Connect, an administrator at the studio can send a personalized URL using SMS, email or other electronic form, which a user can click to automatically and securely log in and launch the Report-IT application. This can only be configured using the PC/Mac version of the TieServer Console.
  • User accounts cannot be reconfigured if the annual TieServer Console subscription has not been paid.

Codecs can be added using the TieServer Console management app on iOS or Android.

The MAC address is also required to add a codec to an account. This can be found on:

  • The front panel by going to Settings > Unit > Eth1/LAN > Mac
  • The HTML ToolBoxWeb-GUI under Transport > Network

A Merlin PLUS codec at the studio can connect six simultaneous bidirectional mono peer-to-peer audio stream connections with smartphones using the Report-IT app (or with codecs).

To get started with Report-IT and connect to a Merlin PLUS codec at the studio you need to:

  1. Purchase and then register a Report-IT Enterprise domain and account with Tieline.
  2. Configure Report-IT Enterprise user accounts with the free TieServer Console app for iPhone or Android, or the TieServer Console PC/Mac version (requires additional subscription).
  3. Install Merlin PLUS at the studio with a static IP address and configure a 6 x Mono Peer-to-Peer Program.

When using the Report-IT Enterprise app on an iOS or Android device you may see the error message “valid codec address not specified”. This is usually caused by one of the following two reasons:

1. A user has logged in but the system administrator has not granted access to any codecs for that user.

To resolve this issue the system administrator needs to use the Tieserver Console app or TieServer Management Console to add “Authorized Codecs” to the Report-IT Enterprise user account and select a “Default Codec” as required.

2. “Valid codec address not specified” may also be displayed if you have logged into Report-IT as an administrator and have either not authorized any codecs for the administrator account, or have not configured an IP address/hostname for a codec.


To resolve this issue the system administrator needs to use the Tieserver Console app or TieServer Management Console to add “Authorized Codecs” to the administrator account, or configure IP address/hostname settings for the codec/s.

Report-IT Enterprise is different from Report-IT Live and Report-IT Lite because you are able to move your license from any “i-device” (iphone/iPod/iPad) to another iDevice every 24 hours.

If you are an administrator and you create a license for a user, that user license will be fixed to the first device that it is deployed upon from the time you log out of your session. For example, Reporter A logs into an iPhone at 10:25, conducts a report and logs out at 10:30. That user license may not be moved to another iPhone/iPod/iPad for 24 hours from the last log out time. However Reporter A can use the same login on the same device indefinitely.

If you launch Report-IT app and the Connect button is greyed out, the Report-IT user account administrator needs to use the TieServer Console app or the TieServer Management Console to verify your codec settings are correct and make sure the codec is reachable.

iOS Import / Export of Audio Files
Report-IT Enterprise (for iOS) is capable of sharing recorded reports with DropBox (and any other App installed that accepts audio files) via the standard iOS Document Sharing facility.

When selecting a recorded Report in the Manage Your Reports activity, at the very bottom of the list of actions, there is an “Open In…” option. This will present the standard iOS screen for presenting a set of activities that you can use to open the report in. For example, there should be a “Copy to Dropbox” if you have the Drop Box app installed.

Likewise, the reverse can also be used from within an App that supports iOS Document Sharing (such as Drop Box) to import a recording into Report-IT.

Android Import / Export of Audio Files

On Android it is possible to get recordings into Report-IT as follows:

 From the Drop Box App:

  1. Use the “˅” button on the desired .wav file
  2. Choose “Export” from the menu
  3. Choose “Save to device” from “Export this file” menu
  4. Use the “Save” button

From the Google Drive App:

  1. Use the “⋮” button on the desired .wav file
  2. Choose “Download” from the menu

The .wav file will now be in the Downloads directory. A file management app such “ES File Manager” is required to move the file into the required directory.

From ES File Explorer:

  1. User the “☰” button in the top left corner
  2. Choose “Local” from the menu
  3. Choose “Download” under “Local”
  4. Use the “⋮” button in the top right
  5. Choose “View” from the menu
  6. Choose “Large/Medium/Small Detail”
  7. Use the “○” button on the desired .wav file
  8. Choose the “⋮ More” button in the bottom right
  9. Choose “Move to” from the menu
  10. Choose the “Tieline” folder from the menu
  11. Use the “OK” Button
  12. Force Close Report-It
  13. Re-open Report-It. The playlists will be updated with deleted and added .wav files.

The exact instructions may change slightly depending on Android version/App version, but the concept should remain the same.

To move a Recorded file from Report-IT Enterprise to Report-IT Live you will need to follow the menus below.

1) Launch Report-IT Enterprise.

2) Click the upper right hand corner of the screen. This icon will look like a square with a arrow in it.

3) Click “Manage Your Reports.”

4) Click “All Reports.”

5) Select the report you wish to export.

6) Click “Export to Report-IT Live.”

Now this will allow the Report-IT Live app to launch and should import your recorded report.

In some situations users encounter an issue whereby the correct cellular network interface name is not selected in the Report-IT Enterprise app. In this scenario, a phone will not connect over a cellular connection when configured. If this is the case:

  • Ensure Report-IT Enterprise for Android

    version 3.9.14 or higher is installed on your device.

  • Open the app and force the use of a cellular interface by selecting Settings > Network > Preferred Cellular Interface.
  • Select a preferred cellular interface.

Hopefully this will resolve a cellular connection issue. If it doesn’t, please send logs from the device via Settings > Support > Send Log to Tieline to allow an assessment of any issue.

Report-IT is designed to send a single mono channel. By default, Report-IT will take the first channel that is made available to it. If that channel is a stereo channel, it will be mixed to mono for streaming to the remote codec. If the audio accessory presents itself (or can be configured) as a 2 channel accessory, then the following option in Report-IT can be utilised to take the first two channels of presented audio and mix them down accordingly:
Configuration** -> 1+2 Channel Input
(**accessed from bottom right corner of most screens)

Report-IT Live (iOS)

  1. Check the connection bit-rate programmed into Report-IT. The Tieline Music algorithm is optimised for connections up to 28.8Kbps, but it can also deliver good quality audio at lower bit-rates if the available data bandwidth is low over wireless 3G networks. Perhaps drop the bit-rate to 24Kbps and see if this improves the connection if you have a higher bit-rate programmed.
  2. Please check the studio codec’s jitter buffer setting. If you are using a G3 Commander Rack Mount codec you can check this by pressing button 3 “Wiz” below the front panel LCD screen, then navigate through the menu to “Jitter Buffer”. Best Compromise is normally appropriate for most connections. If a fixed jitter buffer is selected and you are losing packets and hearing artifacts, either increase the fixed setting and retest your connection, or select an adaptive auto jitter buffer setting like Best Compromise. 
  3. It is also possible to check if you are losing abnormal numbers of audio packets by pressing the “Enter/Dial” button on the codec while you are connected to an iPhone using Report-IT. Check the jitter buffer depth displayed and also the number of “Lost” packets while connected. If you are losing a lot of packets then this would also indicate a jitter buffer issue.
  4. You can download operational logs from Report-IT on the iPhone, which will let our engineers discover the reliability of packets sent from the phone, as well as incoming packets from the codec at the studio. To sent Tieline the logs tap the “i” symbol in the bottom-right corner of the front screen of Report-IT, then tap “Support” > “Send Logs to Tieline” and enter the name of your Radio Station or relevant identifier. Then tap “Upload” to send the logs to Tieline support for review. Note: it is not normally necessary to send all logs. We will contact you if more than the most recent log files are required.
  5. One final thing to check is the default profile setting within Report-IT. Report-IT Enterprise v.3.0.7 and higher has a default profile setting within it, which can be programmed to change the profile on the codec to which it is connecting. If the default setting is programmed, nothing should change on the studio codec. However, if a custom profile has been programmed into this setting, the studio codec may be programmed with settings which are incompatible with live wireless IP connections. I.e., a fixed buffer setting with a low jitter buffer depth.

Often users that have purchased the Report-IT Live Professional Upgrade purchase a new iPhone and wish to transfer the contents of their old iPhone to their new iPhone via the iTunes backup/restore option. If you open Report-IT on your new iPhone and discover your Professional Upgrade with unlimited “live-time” for broadcasting is no longer available, please perform the following:

Step 1. Ensure you have your Apple invoice for the Report-IT Professional Upgrade to double-check which iTunes account you used for the purchase. IMPORTANT: It is critical that you use the same account and login details as the one you used to make the purchase or you will be charged again for the installation of the Report-IT Professional Upgrade. Report-IT Live Professional Upgrade is what Apple refers to as a “Non-Consumable” in-App purchase as described in This means that if you use the same iTunes account you used to originally make the purchase (i.e. the login to which your invoice pertains), then you will NOT be charged for purchasing it again.
The exact product description on your invoice will depend on when your In-App purchase was completed. Apple never release details of purchasers or invoices for products sold to Tieline, so unfortunately, we cannot check any form of purchase history. An example of an invoice entry for Report-IT Live Professional is: “REPORT_IT_LIVE_PACK, Seller: Tieline Technology “
(Note: it is possible that the description may also say something along the lines of “Report-IT Professional”.)
Step 2. Go to the “Configuration” screen in Report-IT.
Step 3. Select “Upgrade” and you will be presented with a screen allowing you to purchase Report-IT Live Professional. 
Step 4. Press the “Purchase” button.
Step 5. You should then be presented with a dialog box titled “Confirm Your In App Purchase” containing the text: “Do you want to buy one Report-IT Live Professional for $399.99” (prices stated will vary depending on your country). 
Step 6. Press the “Buy” button. You may be asked to enter your password and if this is the case, enter your login credentials and ensure you are logging in using the same iTunes account as per your original invoice
Step 7. At this point you should see a dialog box stating “You’ve already purchased this. Tap OK to download it again for free.” Tap to download and reinstall the application.

Report-IT Live Pro gives you unlimited hours of live time for broadcasting live and retransmitting recordings to a codec, as well as other unique features. Before upgrading make sure you are not reporting live or recording audio.

  1. Ensure the app is not being used to report live or record audio.
  2. Tap the Configuration symbol to open the Configuration page, and then tap Upgrade (Note: purchase price is subject to change at any time).
  3. Tap the Purchase button in the Upgrade screen to initiate the purchase.
  4. Tap the Buy button to confirm the In App purchase of Report-IT Live Pro.


What is Live Time?

Report-IT makes use of the same sophisticated and advanced technologies found in Tieline’s range of professional IP audio codecs. To access this technology and perform live broadcasts with Report-IT Live, customers can purchase Live Time according to their requirements. There are 2 options for the purchase of Live Time:

  1. A pre-paid approach whereby customers can purchase additional hours of live broadcast time as required.
  2. Upgrade to Report-IT Live Professional (from within the Report-IT application) that provides unlimited Live Time. 

The Report-IT Live application comes with two hours of complimentary Live Time (registration required).

How are Live Time Purchases Billed?

As with the initial purchase of Report-IT, additional Live Time is handled and billed by the Apple iTunes Store. Tieline Technology serves no part in these transactions other than to provide the functionality for the services purchased within Report-IT.

Billing for Live Time purchases is associated with the iTunes account used to purchase Report-IT. Please see the iTunes Store terms and conditions for further information.

How do I know how much live time I have and how do I get more?

When using Pre-Paid Live Time, Report-IT provides indicators on different screens to display how much Live Time is remaining and links for purchasing more Live Time.

The Report Live screen Statistics page displays a Live Time Left field. This indicates how much Live Time is remaining and will update automatically while Live Time is being consumed.

Live Time can be purchased by either pressing the button on the Report Live screen (with the clock and $ symbols), or navigating to the Purchase Live Time screen from the Configuration screen. 

Multiple hours of Pre-Paid Live Time can be purchased using the Hours field on the screen. (Note: all prices are subject to change at any time). The Purchase Live Time screen will show a Report Live button in place of  the Configuration button when invoked from the Report Live statistics screen. Press to return to your live report at any time.

When the Purchase button is pressed, Report-IT will contact the iTunes App Store to begin the purchase transaction. From this point, the dialogs shown (including any iTunes account usernames/passwords) are provided by the iTunes store and a confirmation dialog will be shown before the transaction is complete. It is important to read any dialogs that appear carefully.

Upon the successful completion of the purchase transaction, the purchased live time will be added to any existing live time.

Does Pre-paid Live Time Expire?

Unlike pre-paid cell phone plans, Pre-Paid Live Time does NOT expire if it is not used within a set period of time. However, there are circumstances in which Pre-Paid Live Time can be extinguished by means other than using it for live connections.

Pre-Paid Live Time is purchased via an In-Application purchase from the iTunes App Store. The iTunes store considers Live-Time hourly purchases as a consumable item, which means that once hours are purchased and downloaded to your iPhone, they cannot be re-downloaded free of charge and re-used again. If you delete Report-IT from your iPhone and do not have it backed up in iTunes from where it can be restored, your Pre-Paid Live Time is extinguished.

This is also important to remember in the event that you purchase a new iPhone or iPod touch to replace an existing one. Apple’s standard iPhone App EULA specifically states that consumables like Pre-Paid Live Time are not transferable between devices. As such, you cannot transfer your Live Time to a new iPhone or iPod touch. This is a restriction placed on iPhone Apps by Apple Inc. and not Tieline and Tieline  has no course to reinstate Pre-Paid Live Time in such circumstances. 

What happens to Pre-Paid Live Time when I upgrade to Report-IT Live Professional?

When the Report-IT Live Professional upgrade is purchased the screens in Report-IT Live no longer refer to Live Time. This is because once Unlimited Live Time is available as part of the upgrade, any reference to, or indications of Live Time are irrelevant and serve no purpose.

Any remaining Pre-Paid Live Time is effectively extinguished because unlimited time has been purchased. Tieline does not provide any refund for unused Pre-Paid Live Time when Report-IT Live Professional is purchased. See iTunes Store Terms and Conditions relating to In-App Purchases for further information.

The Report Live screen on Report-IT uses the statistics page to display how much Pre-Paid Live Time is remaining. Check the Live Time Left field (Note: if using Report-IT Live Professional with Unlimited Live Time, no time remaining is displayed). Time remaining is updated automatically once a successful connection is established to the studio codec and the live transmission is received. I.e. it will be consumed in one second blocks only when you are successfully sending audio to the studio codec.

Report-IT Pre-Paid Live Time is essentially a pay as you go licensing option that is similar to pre-paid cell phones. I.e. you purchase credit and use it as required and then purchase more as you need it. The key difference between Report-IT Live Time and most other pre-paid products is that they do NOT expire if not used within a defined period.

Report-IT Pre-Paid Live Time is provided to accommodate customers which:

  1. Infrequently report live.
  2. Prefer the ongoing cost nature of Pre-Paid Live Time.
  3. Want to provide Report-IT to all of their employees to be the first to report a breaking story.

The Report-IT Live application comes with 2 hours of complimentary Live Time for trial purposes. This requires registration.

Report-IT Unlimited Live Time is just as its title suggests – there is no limit on how much Live Time you have access to. Report-IT Unlimited Live Time is a feature of Report-IT Live Professional (In-App upgrade required from Report-IT Live) and is not an available option for Report-IT Lite.

Important Note: Live Time purchased through Report-IT has no relationship to any carrier charges that might be incurred while using Report-IT Live features. Please consult your carrier for their data usage charges.

As its name suggests, Unlimited Live Time provides a Report-IT user with unlimited live broadcasting from Report-IT.

Unlimited Live Time is automatically provided when Report-IT Live is upgraded to Report-IT Live Professional via purchase from within Report-IT Live. Unlike Pre-Paid Live TimeUnlimited Live Time is considered to be a non-consumable purchase. Once Report-IT Live Professional has been purchased, a user may re-download it at a later date free of charge (although this is at the discretion of Apple Inc. to remove at any time – see Apple’s App Store EULA on iTunes).

This is important in circumstances where a user has purchased a new iPhone/iPod Touch and wishes to transfer Report-IT to the new device, or has deleted Report-IT from their iPhone and wishes to re-download it. I.e. Unlike Pre-Paid Live Time, Unlimited Live Time (as part of Report-IT Live Professional) is not extinguished.

Note: If you make use of iTunes backups to transfer the contents of your old device to your new device, you must re-download Report-IT Live Professional using the Upgrade configuration item. Upon placing a Purchase request, the App store will indicate to you whether you will be charged for re-downloading it based upon their current policy.


  1. Check the connection bit-rate programmed into Report-IT. The Tieline Music algorithm is optimised for connections up to 28.8Kbps, but it can also deliver good quality audio at lower bit-rates if the available data bandwidth is low over wireless 3G networks. Perhaps drop the bit-rate to 24Kbps and see if this improves the connection if you have a higher bit-rate programmed.
  2. Please check the studio codec’s jitter buffer setting. If you are using a G3 Commander Rack Mount codec you can check this by pressing button 3 “Wiz” below the front panel LCD screen, then navigate through the menu to “Jitter Buffer”. Best Compromise is normally appropriate for most connections. If a fixed jitter buffer is selected and you are losing packets and hearing artifacts, either increase the fixed setting and retest your connection, or select an adaptive auto jitter buffer setting like Best Compromise. 
  3. It is also possible to check if you are losing abnormal numbers of audio packets by pressing the “Enter/Dial” button on the codec while you are connected to an iPhone using Report-IT. Check the jitter buffer depth displayed and also the number of “Lost” packets while connected. If you are losing a lot of packets then this would also indicate a jitter buffer issue.
  4. You can download operational logs from Report-IT on the iPhone, which will let our engineers discover the reliability of packets sent from the phone, as well as incoming packets from the codec at the studio. To sent Tieline the logs tap the “i” symbol in the bottom-right corner of the front screen of Report-IT, then tap “Support” > “Send Logs to Tieline” and enter the name of your Radio Station or relevant identifier. Then tap “Upload” to send the logs to Tieline support for review. Note: it is not normally necessary to send all logs. We will contact you if more than the most recent log files are required.
  5. One final thing to check is the default profile setting within Report-IT. Report-IT Enterprise v.3.0.7 and higher has a default profile setting within it, which can be programmed to change the profile on the codec to which it is connecting. If the default setting is programmed, nothing should change on the studio codec. However, if a custom profile has been programmed into this setting, the studio codec may be programmed with settings which are incompatible with live wireless IP connections. I.e., a fixed buffer setting with a low jitter buffer depth.

iOS WARNINGS – To ensure your live or recorded operations are not interrupted by incoming phone calls and other applications:

  1. In iOS versions of Report-IT Live and Report-IT Enterprise users can enable “Call Silencing” via Configuration > Call Silencing. When enabled, if an incoming phone call is received while connected, the audio to Report-IT will not be interrupted. The normal call answering screen for iOS is displayed with options to decline the call, answer it, or ignore it.
  2. Configure call forwarding to voice-mail or another number; tap Settings > Phone > Call Forwarding and then slide the switch to On.
  3. Turn off the RINGER on the left-hand side of the iPhone to avoid SMS tone interruptions. IMPORTANT NOTE: This will not prevent incoming SMS messages and will only stop alert tones. If Report-IT is being used and an SMS is received, a dialog box with Close and Reply buttons is displayed. ONLY press Close in response to an SMS. If you press Reply Report-IT will shut down and suspend your recording or transmission.
  4. If you are recording a report only you can switch on Airplane mode via the iPhone Settings application. In Airplane mode no phone calls or SMS messages will be sent to the iPhone. When you have finished recording, Airplane mode must be turned off to retransmit or share your recording.
  5. In the Calendar application, ensure that there are no event alarms enabled during the planned live/recording period.
  6. Ensure that no Clock application alarms are enabled during the planned recording period.
  7. Do not plug in or unplug a headset during recording. Likewise, do not dock or undock the device during recording.
  8. Do not plug the iPhone into a power source during a recording. When an iPhone gets plugged into power, it beeps or vibrates, according to user settings.

If you can’t enable call forwarding before your report and you receive an incoming call, decline the call ASAP using the Decline button on the iPhone screen. From the time that the incoming call alert is shown, to the time the decline button is pressed, recording will cease and silence will be transmitted.

Android Call Forwarding

Configure call forwarding to voice-mail or another number to ensure your live or recorded operations are not interrupted by incoming phone calls and other applications; ensure all calendar and clock alarm functions are also turned off. By default Report-IT Enterprise will stop a recording or live streaming when the HOME button is pressed to close the application on the screen. Background audio streaming/recording is also possible by selecting Menu > Settings > Audio > Background Audio Streaming [Enable].

As of version 3.0.2 of Report-IT Live, Professional, & Enterprise Edition, audio input/output to any bluetooth audio device that can be “paired” to an iPhone is supported. The only constraint is that the bluetooth device must be able to “pair” with the iPhone and so audio quality will be limited to whatever bluetooth profile the device/iPhone can establish.

While Tieline has tested a number of bluetooth devices, from low-cost consumer hands-free kits through to professional audio solutions like the JKAudio Dapter 3, ultimately the bluetooth device manufacturer should first be contacted in order to determine whether their product can be “paired” with an iPhone and what the expected audio quality is prior to purchasing any devices. Furthermore, the bluetooth device manufacturer should be contacted for any support issues relating to the iPhone “pairing” process.

Bluetooth device audio input/output is not supported in Report-IT Lite.

Report-IT is installed with Bluetooth input support switched off by default. This is done to prevent unintended use of paired devices in the vicinity of the iPhone while using Report-IT. To switch on Bluetooth support, set the “Bluetooth Input” switch to ON in the “Configuration” screen.

First: Add all of your Audio files onto your iOS device

1.    On a Laptop Launch iTunes (11.3 +)
2.    Click on “File,” followed by “Add a File to Library.” (Here we have tested .WAV, .MP3, .M4A)
3.    Verify that your audio file is loaded into iTunes and that you can play the file.
4.    Plug in your iOS Device into iTunes to Sync your Audio files.
5.    Select your iOS Device and sync your audio file(s) to your device.
6.    Confirm that your iOS Device has the audio files loaded via the “Music” App.

Second: Install TwistedWave Audio Editor

1.    On your iOS Device launch the iTunes “App” Store.
2.    Search Twisted Wave
3.    Install and Download TwistedWave Audio Editor

Third: Import audio into Twisted Wave

1.    Launch Twisted Wave Audio Editor
2.    From the “My Documents” Page click the Import button on the bottom of the screen.
3.    Select “iPod Library” and then select the name of the Audio File. Once selected it should open the audio file in an editing screen.
4.    Click the “Export” icon in the top right hand corner (it’s a box with an upward arrow).
5.    Once in the Export menu scroll down and select “Open In…” and then click “Report-IT Enterprise” Or “Report-IT Live.”
6.    At this point it will launch Report-IT. You can close Report-IT at this point and repeat the above steps to add more audio files.

Last: Configure Report-IT and Playlist

1.    Login to Report-IT Enterprise (Skip this step if using Report-IT Live)
2.    If you launched the app through the “Home Screen, click on the “Menu” Icon in the top right hand corner (box with an arrow pointing to the left) and select “Manage your Reports.” [if not skip this step]
3.    At this point you can create a Playlist by clicking “Add New Playlist…” then name your new Playlist. (You may skip this step)
4.    Next, Click “All Reports”
5.    You should now see a list of all of your Reports including all of the imported audio files from your computer.
6.    If you want to add your audio files to a Playlist simply click on the audio file and select “Playlists.”
7.    Select the Playlist you wish to add the audio file to, and confirm that there is a checkmark next to the name.
8.    Back out of this menu by pressing the “Report” button in the top left corner, followed by the “Playlist” button in the same top left corner. (Repeat step 6-8 if you are adding several audio files to the same playlist)
9.    Press the “Manage Playlist” button in the top left hand corner followed by the “Menu” icon in the top right hand corner.
10.    When the “Menu” opens up you will select “Report Live.”
11.    Once back to the main Report-IT screen to connect, you can scroll one page to the right (Swipe left to right) to get to the “Playback Reports” page.
12.    Select the “Select Playlist” button.
13.    Select your Playlist
14.    Once your playlist is populated swipe one page to the left to “Connect.”
15.    When it is time to play the audio file simply scroll one page to the right and click the audio file you need to play, and click the “PLAY” icon. You can adjust the volume by click “Now Playing” and adjust the volume here. When clicking play the audio inputs on the iOS device will be muted and only the playback audio file will be transmitted.

When upgrading an iPhone, the only way Report-IT reports will transfer to the new iPhone is if the new iPhone was restored from an iTunes (or iCloud) backup of the previous iPhone that had Report-IT on it. Report-IT should be on the new iPhone because it was restored from a backup, not a new App store download.

Prior to the backup being made, the “Backup Reports” option in the Settings or Configuration page of Report-IT on the old iPhone should be switched on. This is usually on by default, however it may have been changed and should be checked before a backup/restore operation.

In Tieline codecs it is possible to add user agents to the User Agent Block List to deny them access to a codec. Some codec manufacturers, e.g. Comrex, allow calls based on ‘User Agent’ identification. Therefore, it may be necessary to enter a Report-IT user agent into Comrex and other non-Tieline codecs to allow a successful connection.

The User Agent for SIP Report-IT Enterprise calls is: Tieline Report-IT EE (x.x.x_xxxx)


  • “EE” is used for Report-IT Enterprise; “SIP” is used for Report-IT SIP.
  • For Report-IT Enterprise use “EE” for both iOS and Android.
  • x.x.x is the Report-IT software version number and xxxx is the software build number.

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