FINA 2019 Commentary Solutions with Tieline i-Mix G3

Ready for Games Coverage?

Ready for Games Coverage?

FINA 2019 Commentary Solutions with Tieline ViA
Tieline ViA Codec used at the 2019 FINA World Aquatic Championships

Every 4 years the Olympic Games brings together elite sports people and the world’s broadcasters to cover great sporting feats and convey the emotional highs and lows of competitive sport at the highest level. Are you ready for Games coverage?

This year in Tokyo, the experience will be somewhat different. With the world still suffering from the effects of the pandemic, overseas spectators will not be in the stands at the event. Many, if not most broadcasters will also plan to limit staff travelling to the event to avoid any risk. So how will they create the buzz and excitement without actually being there?

Live Coverage from Home….

As with all major international events, pool feeds will no doubt be supplied to rights-holding broadcasters around the world, along with sound effects feeds. So, what’s the best way to deliver compelling and exciting live commentary if you aren’t actually there? Many major international events have already been called live from home countries, and the pandemic has only accelerated this trend through necessity.

John Rogger using Tieline's Report-IT Enterprise
John Rogger using Report-IT Enterprise from home

Tieline codecs have been successfully used in wide-ranging live sports applications in the past 12 months to deliver pristine audio quality with ultra-low latency over IP networks like the internet. Tieline codecs deliver best-in-class live audio and can help your network deliver the compelling live coverage your listeners and viewers demand.

Distributed Live Play-by-Play Coverage

We have coined the term ‘distributed live play-by-play’ coverage to describe how multiple announcers can call the same live sports event from different locations simultaneously. For example, multiple commentators can be at home with a Tieline ViA codec and receive a low latency live mix-minus IFB feed for calling live games. Each commentator receives a mix-minus feed combining other remote announcers and sound effects for calling games live ‘off-tube’. Clean video feeds deliver live pictures to the commentators, and viewers would not know they are calling the game live from home!

ViA codec solutions for sports broadcasting
Example of distributed live sports coverage with announcer at home and sports venue


The best thing is every announcer can be fully remote controlled from anywhere with an internet connection! Tieline has software solutions like the Cloud Codec Controller that can remotely control and configure every aspect of a live connection in real-time.

Get Ready for the Games…

Dan Israel (far right) with the commentary team calling a game
Dan Israel (far right) with the commentary team calling a game

The words largest broadcasters throughout the Americas, Europe and Asia have successfully used Tieline codecs to go live and call some of the world’s most watched sports and live events. For example, in the US the Chiefs Radio Network relies on #Tieline ViA and other codecs to broadcast Chiefs football games to more than 100 affiliates. Dan Israel tells how they navigated the challenges of remote broadcasting during the pandemic at

MediaWorks in New Zealand has multiple hosts remotely contributing to both network and local stations. They also use the ViA codec for major live event broadcasting. Read all about it at

There are dozens of other examples we could provide to show how networks are using remote codecs to deliver innovative and reliable live broadcasting solutions for major live events. To learn more about how Tieline has a solution to suit your requirements, contact us today and learn about how codecs like the Tieline ViA and Gateway can deliver flexible remote broadcast solutions. Don’t delay, it’s time to make sure you’re prepared and ready for Games coverage later this year.

Tieline Gateway with Report-IT and ViA
Tieline Gateway with Report-IT and ViA Delivers Up to 16 Remotes

Want to know more?

For more information contact Tieline sales:

To find out more information about the Gateway visit, and for the ViA visit

(“Ready for Games Coverage” first published on 15th April, 2021)


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