New Gateway and Gateway 4: Comparing Codec Options
Over the past few years Tieline has been developing of our latest product line, the new Gateway and Gateway 4 codecs. Late last year we introduced the new Gateway unit and started shipping 8 and 16 channel configurations of this codec. Tieline has introduced a new lower density version of the Gateway unit, called the Gateway 4. This unit has a few key differences when compared to its big brother Gateway unit. In this month’s Jake take, I want to explore some of the key differences between the options available in the Gateway platform. I will also address how software comes into consideration when evaluating which of these units fits best in your rack.
Gateway and Gateway 4 I/Os
The first thing to look at is the physical audio input and output differences in hardware. The Gateway 4 unit will have a total of 4 mono inputs and outputs that are delivered over analog, AES3, or AoIP (Such as AES67). The Gateway unit can be configured from 8 mono inputs and outputs to a total of 16 mono inputs and outputs, also delivered over over analog, AES3, or AoIP. The difference here is to allow radio broadcasters to install a more powerful codec at the transmitter site, or for small market clusters to get the latest and greatest IP audio codec technology without going overboard on the channel density. Something else to note when it comes to the Gateway 4 verses the Gateway is that the Gateway 4 is not scalable. This is due to the difference in hardware between the Gateway 4 and the Gateway units, most noticeably the smaller I/O configuration on the Gateway 4. The Gateway, however, can be scaled up from 8 channels to 16 incrementally in pairs over time, or all at once, by way of a software key that we provide when you need more capacity. This is where the hardware and software meet to deliver more flexible solutions in this powerful codec.
The next feature to take a look at is the ability to syndicate audio with the Gateway. One of the core functions of any Tieline codec is the ability to distribute audio to multiple locations. Like the Gateway, the Gateway 4 also has this same capability to syndicate (or distribute) audio to multiple locations. While the Gateway can syndicate to a total of 80 destinations, the Gateway 4 can only syndicate to a total of 20 locations. This allows for small market stations and independent radio shows to invest in hardware that is purpose-built for small scale syndication applications and take complete control of their own content instead of using 3rd party providers.
GPIO Flexibility
The last feature to take a look at, is the ability to have remote control of external equipment. In a previous edition of Jake’s Take, we discussed some of the applications of GPIOs (General-Purpose Inputs and Outputs). With the Gateway you’ll see there is a total of 16 Inputs and 16 Outputs that can be wired up to external equipment for remote control purposes. As the Gateway 4 supports fewer connections and streams, the number of relays has been limited to a total of 8 inputs and 8 outputs through a single DB-25 connector. Similar to the Gateway unit, the Gateway 4 can map multiple GPIOs to any number of connections on the unit, or use all GPIOs for each connection. Both the Gateway and Gateway 4 codecs also support software virtual inputs, logical outputs, plus WheatNet logic inputs and outputs.
While Tieline has been working on equipment supporting the inevitable shift towards centralization, we also understand that small market stations are looking for newer equipment without going overboard on budget. With the Gateway platform you will be able to find a specific unit that is built just for you. Whether you need a Gateway 4 for a tower location, or small studio buildout, or if you need the highest density Gateway that supports up to 16 channels. Tieline has a Gateway option for any broadcast use case and any budget.
If you have any ideas for discussion topics for future issues of this newsletter please send them to me at
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To find out more technical information about the Gateway visit