Latest Firmware
Merlin Firmware v2.22.32
Release Date: 27th November 2024
Firmware Release Notes
- WebGUI v2.17.124:
- Language translation updates
- Fixed issue where SIP account couldn’t be removed from a program
- Fixed issue where a SIP dial number was incorrectly interpreted as an IP address
- Web GUI 2.17.106
- Scheduler: Can connect individual streams
- Scheduler: Can edit streams
- PPM: Can now select inputs / outputs / encoders / decoders separately
- Outputs: Now has PPMs
- Network: Add WiFi configuration
- Use-cases
- DDNS Support
- Fixed Tielink auto-reconnect issues, contact status updates and general stability improvements
- Fix for lost license issue on Genie/Merlin
- Program failure alarm removed and merged into connection lost alarm
- Fixed issue where codecs could crash when receiving SIP calls with specific SDPs
- Fixed issues related to Tielink STUN’d interfaces not becoming available after reboot
- Extended TCP timeout for improved connection resilience on challenging networks
- Fix issue where codec would crash after many ‘no route’ auto-reconnect attempts
- Fixed overflow issue affecting G.711 and G.722 at high input levels
- Fixed issue where ISDN would sometimes not connect after rapid connect/disconnect cycle and would require reboot to resolve
- Fixed issue when Tielink could not be switched off (active connection indicated even though no connection was really active)
- Fixed issue where SSL certificate installation would fail due to missing newline
- Fixed Tielink related issue which could lead to a crash during some disconnection events
- Prevent jitter buffer bloating on bursty networks
- Workaround for Luci compatibility
- Improved audio ramp-up delay on all inputs
- WebGUI 2.9.39
- Fixed issue where WebGUI Connections panel would sometimes fail to show all SmartStream+ streams
- Fixed issue where WebGUI Connections panel would occasionally fail to show the remote session port when switching from TieLink to direct IP mode
- Fixed issue where SmartStream+ redundant streams would use default ports even though Remote Audio Port was set to non-default value
- Fixed issue where custom mixes weren’t saved correctly with a newly created program
- Fixed issue where custom mixes would not load correctly
- Stability improvements
- Warn before switching modes (i.e. TieLink/IP) on Connections screen
- Fixed issue where SmartStream+ stream list would sometimes be truncated on ViA front-panel UI
- Critical fix: to prevent excessive flash memory writes during TieLink contact status updates
- TieLink stability improvements:
- Auto reconnect
- TieLink Fuse interfaces
- Performance improvements
- Fixed Opus Voice settings for compatibility with v2.18.xx releases
- Other Improvements:
- Stream reconnections with SmartStream PLUS
- Improved RTP compatibility issue with 3rd party devices that use CSRC header
- New features:
- Added support for default route/nameserver interface ordering (System Internet).
- Bug Fixes:
- Fixed issue where POTS module could be stuck in “Initializing” state when not plugged into a POTS line.
- Fixed issue where creating failover program with failback disabled could lead to failover connection details being deleted on program load.
- Fixed bug whereby having more than one DNS entry could lead to the LAN port doing DHCP even though set to static.
- Fixed alarm tone enable/disable.
- Improved AAC decoder error handling.
- Fixed issue where a bidirectional connection to a Bridge-IT which did not have AAC encode license would cause the connection to fail rather than reverting to a unidirectional connection.
- Fixed WiFi related ping issue on LAN1 and LAN2 .
- Fixed issue where additional answer connections would sometimes be created when editing programs in the WebGUI Connections panel.
- Fixed issue where codec would show the wrong associations between redundant and primary SS+ streams.
- Fixed issue where input polarity settings would be ignored.
- Web GUI 2.9.36
- Fixed issue where Alarm History showed alarms dates as 1 month ahead
- Added SNMP access to output source status
- Changed default TCP keepalive timeout to zero i.e. keepalive timeouts disabled
- Bug fixes:
- Fixed issue where SIP call with asymmetric algorithms would be rejected by answering codec
- Fixed issue where SD card would sometimes not be detected and required re-insertion to resolve
- Fixed issue where some USB cellular modems would not be detected properly when plugged in during an active connection
- Fixed session data handling bug
- Fixed issue where some SIP servers would not relay messages from SIP answerer due to extraneous User-Agent field
- Tielink – various performance and stability improvements
- SNMP bug fixes
- Fix for analog phone mix
- Fixed input polarities
Web GUI 2.9.35
Fixed issue where SS+ streams couldn’t be added for encode only connections
- Web GUI 2.9.33:
- Fixed bug SS+ connections couldn’t be added on a failover connection.
- Allow local and remote relay selection for “load custom matrix” rule.
- Fixes for bonding and SS+ display issues.
- Fix for sessionless failover.
- File manager fixes.
- Inputs panel gain increment fix.
- File manager naming fix.
- Reference level fixes.
Web GUI 2.9.25
- Fixed issue where stream level rule for relay reflection was missing on the WebGUI
- Fixed issue where internal modem couldn’t access data services on Verizon without APN
- Fixed TieLink related freeze/crash issue when connected to certain routers
- Fixed issue AES3 level control issue seen on certain platforms
- SIP fixes related to multiple SDP offers
- Allow various Opus bitrates over SIP connections
- Fixed issues with missing SNMP data
- Fixed issue where PPMs didn’t reflect changes to mixer settings
- Fixed IGC issues
- Other stability fixes
- Web GUI 2.9.23
- Reworked “Connections” panel to simplify work-flow and to allow editing of loaded programs
- Matrix Editor panel has new look and feel to support G6
- Headphone Mix panel has a new look and feel to support G6
- Program Manager panel support with different look and feel and new features like TieLink, SIP updates etc., multiple SmartStream PLUS streams
- New TieLink panel added
- New Contact List panel to support TieLink
- TieLink icon added to Toolbox Web-GUI to display when enabled
- Options panel reconfigured and redesigned
- New and updated Statistics panel
- New Media tab and File manager panel for file transfers
- Support for EBU 3368 (profiles) – the configuring of a remote codec’s settings:
- Jitter Buffer depth
- QoS value
- Call Transfer
- Support for EBU 3368 (profiles) – the configuring of a remote codec’s settings:
- Use-cases
- Added 3 x Mono use case
- TieLink Support
- Support for additional SS+ connections
- Improvements to Fuse-IP connection establishment
- Bug fixes
- Fixed issue where Fuse-IP status would not be updated on the WebGUI
- Fixed codec freeze is related to Cloud Codec Controller URL host address resolution
- Fixed STUN issue affecting some algorithms
- Fixed resource management issues
- Added support for Cloud Codec Controller.
- Web GUI
- Reduced minimum audio silence threshold to 1 second.
- Bug fixes:
- Fixed SIP stability issues.
- Fixed 44.1kHz encode issue.
- Fixed Luci Studio compatibility issue.
- Fixed receive byte count statistics issues.
- Fixed remote FEC issue.
- Fixed Web-GUI timeout issue when downloading large log files.
- WebGui Version
- New fixes for SIP.
- Disabled caching for backup downloads.
- Improvements to SIP.
- Bug fixes.
- Web GUI
- New Matrix Editor added.
- New GPIO status panel added.
- Support for import/export configuration using XML (advanced user feature).
- Program level rules added to Program Manager and support for custom mixes associated with programs.
- Added “1 x Stereo and 4 x Mono” use-case to Merlin PLUS.
- Import and Export of programs added.
- Speed Dialling added to the Program Loader panel.
- Lots of improvements.
- Support for asymmetric algorithm configuration for all IP session types.
- SIP:
- Support for STUN.
- Support for RFC FEC.
- Rules:
- Program level rules added.
- New rule for triggering mix change on a relay state change.
- New rule to trigger relay when IP is connected.
- New UI to show GPI state and to show and control GPO state.
- New Alarm for L+R audio silence.
- G3 Channel compatibility setting added for Dual Mono programs.
- Added an additional SNMP trap destination.
- New Firewall security settings:
- Allow disable of PING outside of local subnet.
- Allow disabling of ports, e.g. SSH, HTTP, etc.
- CSRF (Cross-Site-Resource-Forgery) protection.
- Allow manual configuration of Ethernet link speed and direction.
- Support for 12 and 20 bit PCM.
- Support for setting Hostname of device.
- Support for setting title of Browser.
- Bug fixes.
- Fixed an issue where SIP account and interface details are cleared when using the Quick Connect panel to create SIP connections.
- Edge browser authentication improvements.
- Improvement to file browsing interface for firmware upgrades.
- Other minor performance enhancements.
Warning Notes for Major Release Firmware v2.16.80: |
- Includes HTML5 Toolbox Web-GUI with support for creating programs; also includes:
- Rearranged menu structure.
- Redesigns of several existing panels.
- Quick Connect panel added to the HTML5 Toolbox Web-GUI.
- New panels added for new features such as Fuse-IP, SIP Interfaces, SIP Filter Lists, Scheduler, Scheduler Events and Scheduler History.
- Support for G3’s Main + IFB profile in the Merlin family of codecs.
- Includes SSL security certificate support.
- Support for Fuse-IP streaming.
- New Scheduler for loading/unloading, connecting and disconnecting programs added into the Toolbox HTML5 Web-GUI.
- Support for Wi-Fi connectivity via a USB dongle.
- Support for up to 4 output audio source fail over options, e.g. if the connection is dropped fail over to HTTP streaming.
- SIP improvements:
- Configure up to 6 accounts and 2 interfaces.
- Deterministic SIP answering and call routing.
- “Public IP” address field added.
- Support for SIP Blacklist and Whitelist filters
- Improvements to Rules:
- Rules per-audio stream added.
- Removed 1-1 restriction on relay reflection, e.g. can now use relay 1 to trigger relay 4 on a remote codec.
- Support for WNET LIOs.
- Support for Min/Max auto-jitter buffer depth.
- Audio Improvements:
- Gain adjustment on digital inputs (max +6dB gain).
- Polarity inversion for all inputs.
- dBFS audio scale used as a default for digital inputs
- Support for Line Hunt dialing/answering in Tieline IP.
- Support for specifying G3 profiles when dialling.
- Upgrade firmware via USB feature added.
- Updates to speed dial functionality.
*Note: The Java GUI is still available in this build however none of the new features are available.
New Toolbox Web GUI version with alphanumeric ordering of programs in the Toolbox HTML5 Web-GUI.
Improvements to ISDN, increasing the reliability of connection establishment and overall stability.
Fix for SNMP reporting incorrect information for answering calls after a previous disconnection.
Improvements to the stability of RS232 data over IP connections.
Improvements to the performance of short relay triggers.
Manual DNS settings are now applied on boot.
Fix for contrast not being restored on reboot.
Fix for auto-reconnect not triggering correctly in certain scenarios.
New Toolbox Web GUI version
Support for MP2 Mono at 24kHz sampling for IP and ISDN connections (Genie and Merlin codec families)
POTS ad hoc dials now use Tieline session settings by default.
Improvements to ISDN bonding.
Other minor fixes.
Includes Toolbox Web GUI version with official support for the new HTML5 Toolbox GUIs. HTML5 Toolbox offers almost identical configuration options as the Java Toolbox. Currently no support for program creation. Dial/disconnect, and load/unload programs is available.
HTML5 Quick Connect: This simplified UI allows customers to make simple point-to-point connections over POTS, ISDN and IP.
Allows loading/unloading of existing programs.
Improved landing page with clear Web-GUI options for customers.
Added a warning when a user attempts to leave the codec’s network configuration screen without saving changes.
POTS line presence is now indicated on the codec screen. A codec can now detect if there’s voltage on the line and update status accordingly.
Official fix for fan alarms.
Improved reliability of alarm dissemination to relays.
Updated HTML and PDF user manuals including: A major section with sub-topics describing how to use the HTML5 Toolbox Web-GUI for configuration and control; A section on how to use the HTML5 Quick Connect Web-GUI. This is designed for simple monitoring and dialing of connections for non-technical users; Other minor adjustments.
The “Support Logs” from the web GUI now also include the codec’s configuration information
Web GUI version
Streaming improvements to Music/Music PLUS algorithms
Added auto-jitter buffer into multi-unicast connections
Added algorithm profiles for AAC LD and ELD
Improved back-up restore process and included user friendly messaging
Improved UI pop-up to create consistent behaviour
Improvements to VLANs
Codec UI reflects changes made via Web GUI’s Inputs panel
(Note: The 2.14.xx release is a major release with support for new POTS and IP connection solutions and other features.)
Some menu structures have been upgraded and renamed to support new features.
Includes support for POTS connections.
Support for up to 2 simultaneous connections using SIP
- Support for up to 2 simultaneous EBU compliant AoIP intercom streams.
- Support for sessionless IP dialing is now available.
VLAN support.
Support for configuring both send and return audio ports when connecting over IP.
Support for 45 kHz audio on AES at 96 kHz sample rate.
Hardware reset button is enabled.
Updated translations into Spanish, French and Portuguese for the codec UI and web-GUI.
A new web-GUI “rule” is available to allow the codec to “Disconnect on Input Silence and Reconnect when Input Audio is Detected”
Also in the web-GUI v2.4.2.35, the model of codec is added to the “Help” panel and the firmware version is added to the “Firmware tab”
A new user manual is available with more detailed support for ISDN and in particular deterministic ISDN dialing. It now also includes POTS dialing information and other updates.
- Various minor bug fixes.
(Note: This is a major release with support for new connection solutions and a wide range of new and improved features.)
Support for ISDN using up to 4 B channels.
Support for AAC-LD and AAC-ELD encoding.
Support for aptX® Enhanced encoding when connecting over ISDN; supports ISDN interoperability with a range of APT, Prodys and Mayah codecs.
Support for SNMP.
- Support for multiple simultaneous Opus connections.
New and improved web-GUI version
Addition of Audio Stream routing support using Dial and Answer Route tags. This feature primarily allows ISDN audio streams to support deterministic routing; this feature operates similarly to how audio ports are used to route audio streams over IP.
Improved interoperability between programs.
Support for RPTP to allow RS.232 and relay data to be exchanged between G3 codecs and the Tieline Genie and Merlin families of IP codecs.
- Support for a single audio stream sending auxiliary data in multiple audio stream programs.
Menu upgrades to support ISDN configuration. E.g. the front panel “Config” menu is now “Settings”. Menu changes are supported in both the web-GUI and codec LCD menus.
Improved back-up and restore functions for programs and codec configuration settings; ‘Alarms’ and ‘Rules’ files are now included in this process.
Improved factory default reset function.
New web browser HTML user manuals and PDF user manuals available for all products.
When a 6 x Mono Program is dialled by Report-IT configured to use Opus, the incoming call is now able to renegotiate and use Tieline Music algorithm (Opus is not currently supported in 6 x Mono Peer-to-Peer connections).
New web-GUI to support new use-cases (Version
Updated user manuals
Improved use-case interoperability.
Improvements to SmartStream PLUS dual Ethernet backup.
Addition of new program capability: Single Mono/Stereo Main + Mono IFB for Merlin and Merlin PLUS
Addition of new program capability: 2 x Mono/Stereo Main + Mono IFB for Merlin PLUS
Improved SmartStream PLUS streaming configuration for the answering side. Users no longer need to explicitly enable SmartStream PLUS in answering programs.
Improved headphone monitoring allows users to monitor individual audio streams.
Updated user manual.
Redundant SmartStream PLUS IP streaming: Added the ability to send identical audio over both Ethernet ports in an attempt to mitigate lost packets on either link, or to cater for scenarios where a given ISP/Link has completely failed.
Automatic unload/load of a program to match the use-case of an incoming program. Support is pending for older Genie firmware versions, Bridge-IT and G3 codecs.
User selectable headphone source monitoring.
User selectable PPM display allows the user to select from Program Default, Input, Decoder or HP Monitoring.
Link quality labels have changed from “L” and “R” to “Send” and “Return”.
Added the ability to retrieve a high-level event log from the web GUI via the “Help” panel and “Download Event Log” button
Automatic dim feature added to dim the LCD and keypad after 5 seconds to prolong the life of the LED and LCD components used in the front panel.
Web GUI version
Official support for Opus
Significant development to web GUI program models
- Inclusion of Web GUI version
- Ability to create incoming programs
- Addition of file playback on decoder silence detection
- Re-sampling support whereby users no longer need to match the sample rate of a recorded file to the primary connection.
- Full manual available via the web GUI
data sheets / brochures
product manual
Tech Notes
Getting Started
To perform a firmware upgrade of your codec you need to:
- Download the latest firmware to your PC or a USB stick from the GREEN Download button on this page.
- Connect your PC to your codec to open the Toolbox web-GUI for your codec.
The web-GUI is used to perform the firmware upgrade from within the Settings panel. (This process has been tested using MS Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox.)
Update Firmware using the HTML ToolBox Web-GUI:
- Disconnect all connections before attempting the firmware upgrade.
- Attach an Ethernet cable to the ETH1 port on the codec.
- Press the SETTINGS button on the codec front panel and select Unit > ETH1 to display the IP address in your codec.
- Ensure your PC is connected to the same LAN.
- Open your web browser and type the IP address of your codec into the address bar of your browser, e.g. (the last digits are the private address details unique to your codec over a private LAN).
- Refresh the browser and the web-GUI application should launch automatically.
- When you open the Toolbox web-GUI an authentication dialog prompts you to enter a password to login. The first time you log in you can enter the default setting “password” and click the OK button.
- Click the Settings button at the top of the web-GUI screen if the Settings panel is not displayed.
- Click Firmware.
- Click Update from a selected file and click the Select File button.
- Select the .bin file you have downloaded to perform the upgrade and click Open.
- Press the Update Firmware button to commence the upgrade.
We recommend clearing your browser cache after the upgrade is complete when using the HTML5 Toolbox web-browser GUI to control codec functions. The short cuts for this are:
- Google Chrome: shift+Ctrl+delete
- Mozilla Firefox: Ctrl+shift+delete
- Internet Explorer: Ctrl+shift+delete
- Safari: Ctrl+alt+e
Updating Using a USB Stick (requires firmware v2.16.xx or higher)
- Disconnect all connections before attempting the firmware upgrade.
- Insert a USB stick with the latest firmware into the USB port on the front panel of the codec. Note: A single partition FAT32 formatted USB stick must be used.
- Press the SETTINGS button.
- Use the navigation buttons to select System and press the OK button.
- Navigate down to Firmware update from a USB stick and press the OK button. Note: it can take a few seconds for the USB stick to be detected.
- Navigate to the firmware file after the USB stick has been detected, then press the OK button.
- After the upgrade is complete, remove the USB stick and press the OK button to reboot the codec.
You can make IP connections to a different codec brand, e.g. Comrex, if the SIP protocol is used on codecs at both ends and the codec you are connecting to is EBU N/ACIP Tech 3326 compliant. You can start by configuring the most commonly used settings on both codecs as follows:
- Profile mono
- Bit rate 64k
- Algorithm G.722
- Session port 5060 UDP
- Audio port 5004 UDP
On newer firmware versions of Bridge-IT, Merlin, and Genie codecs the SIP Interface needs to be enabled first. There are two options to configure this:
- Using the Toolbox HTML 5 GUI select Transport > SIP Interfaces and select the Enable check-box, then click Save.
- Using the codec front panel press the Settings button and select SIP >Interfaces > SIP1 or SIP2 > Enable.
Note: The codec user manual has more information on connecting using SIP and using SIP servers. Alternatively, for more info see the codec Compatibility document under Tech Notes on the Support page for your codec at
Genie and Merlin codecs using Wi-Fi must have firmware version 2.16.xx or higher installed. Visit to download the latest firmware.
The following modems have been reported as working by Tieline and/or customers in various countries and regions. Variations in modem hardware and software may mean the listed devices are not recognized by the codec. This means that the same modem reported as working in one country, may not work on a different carrier in a different country. Other modems may work but haven’t been tested. Please let us know if you use other USB dongles successfully and we will add them to the list.
- TP-Link, model TL-WN721N (150Mbps)
- EDiMAX, model EW-7811Un (Tested in the USA, click for more info)
- Netgear, model WNA1000M (G54/N150 WiFi USB Micro Adapter)
- LM-Technologies,LM006 (150Mbps Nano WLAN USB Adapter)