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Cloud Codec Controller Download

Release Date: 20th Nov 2024

Latest version

Revision History

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  • Added support for Proxy servers#
  • Fixed an issue where Locally Defined Codec authentication dialog may be hidden from view on start up.
  • Fixed an issue where some Locally Defined Codec types were not being recognised.

# Excludes Locally Defined Codecs. When using a Proxy for use with a TieServer domain, Locally Defined Codec IP Addresses must be excluded in the Proxy settings.

  • Support for Tieline BridgeIT II & BridgeIt XTRA II Codecs.
  • Support for Tieline MPX I & MPX II Codecs.
  •  Support for dynamic Auto Reconnect changes and Force Logout operations for Report-IT (Requires Report-IT Enterprise v3.8.0).
  •  Addition of integrated uploading of Log Files to Tieline for support purposes.
  •  Fixed Audible Alarms not silencing when Alarms View is closed or Codecs are removed from the Network View or CCC.
  • Resolves a start up failure compatibility issue with Java 8 update 351

  • Network View PPM Scaling improvements

  • Network View Layout/Settings can now be exported and imported from a file
  • Locally Defined Codecs: New Alarms View
  • Locally Defined Codecs: New Events View
  • Report-IT Enterprise: Ability to select Contact for Report-IT Enterprise v3.7.0+
  • Fixes intermittent Issue where Android Report-IT Instances may display a name of null
  • Offline Users, Codecs and Domains now use a lighter text color in the Overview tab to better distinguish them from online resources.
  • Supports more granular states (based on LQ) for Connection status on a codec’s Network View widget. For Gateway codecs v3.02.08+ only.

  • Support for remote control of Report-IT Return & Input Mute (for Report-IT Enterprise version 3.6.0+ only)

  • Added an option to toggle a codec’s network view widget to a smaller size

Note: Requires a re-run of the package/exe installer. This will not alter configuration

  • Added enhancements for the Tieline Gateway (requires a re-run of the package/exe installer. This will not alter configuration)

  • Resolves an issue for customers utilising multiple domains that may cause issues when “signing out” of one domain but not another

  • Improves stability of Locally Defined Codec connections to BridgeITs

  • Rectifies an issue where the Remote Line Quality (+) for a Smart Stream Plus connection for Report-IT may not update correctly in the Network View.

  • Rectifies an issue where multiple Report-IT devices using different Alternative Addresses for the same Codec may display incorrect Contact information.

  • Added missing iOS Device Types when used with Report-IT.

  •  Fixes an issue where when there are  multiple active (currently logged in) Report-IT Devices for a particular user, only the first one would be displayed under the User’s name.


Tech Notes


No the Private Network version of the CCC is used over a local area network and doesn’t require internet access. Tieline will supply a standalone license file to install with an activation key. This is provided for a one-time payment. Users can install on multiple PC or Mac computers (subject to fair usage policy).

Contact Tieline at (Americas) or (International), or your favorite dealer, to order or upgrade a Cloud Codec Controller subscription. If you have already purchased the software:

  1. Register via
  2. Tieline will then create a unique and secure domain for your network and supply login details.
  3. Download and install the Cloud Codec Controller application and enter domain credentials to manage your entire Tieline codec network remotely.
  4. Renew your Cloud Codec Controller subscription annually.
  5. Re-register the Clould Codec Controller at

  • System Pre-requisites
    The Cloud Codec Controller is compatible with Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10 and Mac® Yosemite 10.10 or later operating systems. Also please note:
  • Windows Defender SmartScreen may ask you to “Run Anyway” on installation.
  • Ensure the Cloud Codec Controller is not blocked by Windows Firewall.
  • Some virus software may present a scanning warning.
  • This software requires Java 8 on a computer prior to installation. Downloads are available at
  • Notes for Mac users: To launch the Java installer, locate the downloaded pkg file using finder. Right click on the pkg file to reveal an “Open With…” menu. Choose this and then “Installer” will allow you to run the Java package installer. The CCC needs to be run on an Intel/x86_64 version of Java under Rosetta 2 emulation. If, for example, you have the Arm64 version of Java installed and used by the CCC, and you are not reliant on this version of java being used by any other Applications, then the easiest way to overcome this issue is to instead download and install Java for Intel Macs.

If you need to install Java 8, please recommence Cloud Codec Controller installation after Java 8 has been installed. 

Network Pre-requisites
In most cases, if you can browse any https website from your computer, there should be no additional network settings required for the Cloud Codec Controller application. If you are in a corporate or other network environment that has tight internet access security rules, then the Cloud Codec Controller requires outbound access to TCP Port 443 for the following domains (and a number of hosts within these domains):


It is also necessary to verify that time/date is correctly set on the codec. In the Toolbox Web-GUI select Settings and then Date & Time to open the Date & Time panel. Ensure that the codec is displaying a valid time setting.

Codec Pre-requisites

  • Codecs require firmware v2.18.104 or higher to be used in conjunction with the Cloud Codec Controller. Visit to download the latest firmware for your codec.
  • Genie, Merlin, Bridge-IT and ViA codecs also need to be enabled for CCC management to be visible in the CCC over the public internet:
    • In the Genie, Merlin and Bridge-IT codec menu select Settings > WebGUI > CC Controller [Enable].
    • In the Gateway and Gateway-4 menu select Settings > IP Options > WebGUI > CC Controller [Enable].
    • In the ViA codec menu select Settings > IP Options > WebGUI > Cloud Codec Controller [Enable].
    • In the Toolbox Web-GUI navigate to Settings and open the Options panel. Then select the check-box for CCC Enabled and click Save.
  • Locally Defined Codecs over a private network do not need to be enabled for CCC operation. Only codecs that require internet access need to be enabled.
  • Ensure that CSRF is disabled in the codec or it will not be able to connect to the CCC. This setting is [OFF] by default. The setting can be adjusted:
    • In the Genie, Merlin and Bridge-IT codec menu select Settings > WebGUI > CSRF [Disable], or
    • In the Gateway and Gateway-4 menu select Settings > IP Options > WebGUI > CSRF Protection [Disable], or
    • In the ViA codec menu select Settings > IP Options > WebGUI > CSRF Protection [Disable], or
    • In the Toolbox Web-GUI navigate to Settings and open the Options panel, then deselect the CSRF Enabled check-box.
  • Ensure DHCP or Static DNS servers are correctly configured in codecs when required. See the FAQ titled “Configuring codec DNS settings for the CCC” for more info.
  • Verify that time/date is correctly set on the codec. In the Toolbox Web-GUI select Settings and then Date & Time to open the Date & Time panel. Ensure that the codec is displaying a valid time setting.

DNS and the Cloud Codec Controller (CCC)

If a codec has a statically configured IP address, ensure that the DNS Server settings are also configured. This is necessary because the codec must be able to resolve with Tieline’s various CCC servers in order to be able to contact them.

When using the Toolbox HTML5 Web-GUI to configure DNS network settings:

  1. Select Transport and then Network to open the Network panel.
  2. Select the DNS tab to enter details into the DNS Addresses fields as required.
  3. Ensure that the Specify DNS Settings check-box is enabled. Note: This will ensure the DNS servers are used.
  4. It is also necessary to verify that time/date is correctly set on the codec. In the Toolbox Web-GUI select Settings and then Date & Time to open the Date & Time panel. Ensure that the codec is displaying a valid time setting.

Note: These settings can also be configured using the front panel of the codec.

Where can I find my DNS settings?

DNS settings for static public IP addresses can be sourced from your internet provider/Telco. Sometimes the Gateway setting in the TCP/IP tab in the Network panel will work as the DNS Address to enter.

Another common scenario encountered is that static DNS settings are configured to override DHCP settings when they are not compatible with the network being used. When using DHCP IP settings ensure the Specify DNS Settings check-box is disabled in the Network panel.

Important Note on Ports:

If Report-IT is working as expected within the Cloud Codec Controller, i.e. Report-IT users are “online,” then it is unlikely that there are any firewall/computer issues, because the Report-IT application can connect and interact with Tieline’s servers.

Floating Codec Client Licenses are allocated to a codec using the Network View tab within the Cloud Codec Controller. A license is occupied when a codec’s PPMs are enabled within the Network View, or the Codec Viewer is opened in a particular installation of the Cloud Codec Controller application.

Click the Enable PPMs check-box to allocate a Codec Client License to a codec for configuration and control.

No CCC Licenses Available is displayed if the Enable PPMs check-box is selected and all available licenses have been allocated to codecs.

As licenses are floating and it is possible to release them in two ways:

  • Deselect the Enable PPMs check-box for a codec in the Network View.
  • Close the Codec Viewer (Toolbox) for a codec that has been launched by double-clicking it in the Overview pane. Note: if the Codec Viewer has been launched from within the Network View pane and PPMs have been enabled, then to release the license both the Codec Viewer for that codec must be closed, and the Enable PPMs check-box must be deselected.
  • Important Notes:
    If all Codec Client Licenses have been used it is not possible to double-click and launch the Codec Viewer.
  • If all Codec Client Licenses have been used it is not possible to right-click and select View Codec to launch the Codec Viewer. This option will be grayed-out.
  • If two people are managing or monitoring the same codec with the CCC on different computers, each person requires a separate Codec Client License to view the codec on their PC.

For codecs to be visible in the CCC over the public internet they need to be enabled for CCC management. This can be done as follows:

  1. In the G5 (Genie, Merlin, Bridge-IT) codec menu select Settings > WebGUI > CC Controller [Enable].
  2. In the Gateway and Gateway-4 codec menu select Settings > IP Options > WebGUI > CC Controller [Enable].
  3. In the ViA codec menu select Settings > IP Options > WebGUI > Cloud Codec Controller [Enable].
  4. In the Toolbox Web-GUI navigate to Settings and open the Options panel. Then select the check-box for CCC Enabled and click Save.

Locally Defined Codecs over a private network do not need to be enabled for CCC operation. Only codecs that require internet access need to be enabled.

Important Note: Ensure that CSRF is disabled in the codec or it will not be able to connect to the CCC. This setting is [OFF] by default and is also available in the codec menu via Settings > WebGUI, and in the Options panel in the HTML Toolbox Web-GUI.

This is to save on data use. By nature the CCC needs to send and receive data between codecs continually to update information displayed. If the CCC is left open on a computer and is not used for more than 4 hours, the Codec Viewer is placed in ‘sleep’ mode to save on data use. Simply click Refresh or Reload to reconnect Toolbox to the codec.

In some situations it is necessary to refresh, reload or clear the cache in the Codec Viewer. For example, this is recommended after a firmware upgrade. If Toolbox appears unresponsive:

  1. Click Refresh
  2. If it is still unresponsive click Reload
  3. Finally, if it is still unresponsive, in the Menu Bar select Tools > Options and then select General > Web Cache and click Clear to clear the web cache.

If your Gateway codec is not showing up in your Cloud Codec Controller account please re-run of the installer.

Please ensure that you have version or higher  installed.

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