Read more about the article Jake’s Take on GPIOs
WNET LIO inputs 1 and 2 active

Jake’s Take on GPIOs: With the NAB show now in the rear-view mirror, stations are budgeting and preparing for fall sports, and the integration of new features into our codecs…

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Read more about the article Demystifying MPX Solutions
MPX composite transmission options

Demystifying FM-MPX and MicroMPX Solutions By Jacob Daniluck, Tieline VP Sales Americas The Benefits of MPX Codecs Transporting composite MPX signals from the studio to transmitter sites delivers a more…

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Read more about the article Using Livewire+ with Gateway
Livewire GPIOs are supported in the Gateway codec

Jake’s Take on Using Livewire+ with Gateway: The Gateway IP Audio codec has now been out on the market for just over 2-years. In the initial release the unit supported…

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