Welcome to Jake's Take! As the end of the fiscal year approaches, it's time to consider making those end of year decisions that will enhance your broadcasting capabilities for the…
Jake’s Take on GPIOs: With the NAB show now in the rear-view mirror, stations are budgeting and preparing for fall sports, and the integration of new features into our codecs…
Demystifying FM-MPX and MicroMPX Solutions By Jacob Daniluck, Tieline VP Sales Americas The Benefits of MPX Codecs Transporting composite MPX signals from the studio to transmitter sites delivers a more…
Jake's Take on 'How to Stand Out From the Crowd with Fall Sports Remotes' Fall remotes equal money! Yes, it’s a great opportunity to deliver revenue upgrades for your stations…
Jake’s Take on Using Livewire+ with Gateway: The Gateway IP Audio codec has now been out on the market for just over 2-years. In the initial release the unit supported…
Jake's Take on Remote Solutions for Midterm Election Coverage: Election day in the United States is upon us, and this always has my phone ringing with codec questions for interviews…
Jake's Take - MaxxKonnect Delivers Cellular Solutions: The flexibility of audio broadcast codecs is almost limitless for point-to-point audio delivery. Focusing on remote broadcasts, you have many different field options…
Jake's Take on Repurposing Remote Broadcasting Equipment: This month we are going to look at some different uses for remote broadcast equipment like the ViA codec and Report-IT app. These…
Jake's Take on the end of POTS and ISDN as we know it… Are you a doomsday planner? Do you have your bunker ready for the end of the world?…
Jake's Take on Implementing Tieline Redundant Streaming: Spring is approaching fast and station operators are starting to plan their spring cleaning lists. Towers need inspecting, studios need upgrades, and improvements…